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The Bermuda Triangle


Learning mysteries and conspiracy theory stories can be a lot of fun. The only thing that’s even more fun, is checking the facts and trying to debunk them. And what else has more crazy theories swirling around it than the Bermuda Triangle? The only way to know which ones are true and which are fake, is to gather evidence through research, collect data through experimentation, draw your conclusions based on the facts that you have collected. Today you are going to investigate one of the theories of this place that has a direct connection with DENSITY.  For today's activity, you will need the following:



  • Internet Connection

  • Worksheet: "The Bermuda Triangle Investigation"

  • Headphones / Earbuds

  • Something to write with


Once you have everything you need, click on the link below to access the videos needed. Follow the directions on your worksheet and answer all questions about the videos.

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