It’s that time again. Time to wake up early, get on that bus, and start the next step in your academic life... eighth grade. It is a time of both excitement and concern.
You may be thinking: What will this year be like? Are my friends going to be in my classes? Is this year going to be easier or harder than last year? Are we going to be able to go on field trips? Is Ski & Board Club coming back? What's Mr. Racchini really like? Is it true that people call him JRac? Is it June yet?
Regardless of how you are feeling or how much you want to be here, your final year at the Middle School has arrived, which means you are only 180 school days away from being a High Schooler! Are you ready? It’s my job to help you get ready for the higher demands and expectations of high school and beyond. As we move through our many science topics this year, I will have high expectations and set the bar high but very reachable for you. It is my job to attempt to make this year as fun and exciting for you to help you understand the science of our world and the universe around us! Your job is very simple....
Your job is to TRY and never give up!
That’s all I can ask of you.
If you try to do something, you are already halfway to success.
That’s a motto that I have always lived by and I hope to pass it along to you. This class will challenge you to not only learn new knowledge, but also apply that knowledge to new situations. It will require effort on your part. This class overview will give you a basic idea of what you can expect this school year.
Please read and review this entire overview with a parent or guardian and then complete All tasks on the Student & Parent Class Overview Assignments Page.