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Classroom Procedures

Food & Gum

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This is a Science Lab Classroom. It is very dangerous to have anything in your mouth, when chemicals are present. There is the potential to swallow some chemicals that could cause you to become seriously ill. Therefore, Food, Gum, Drink, and Candy, will not be allowed in the classroom labs.


Because of the seriousness of this, if you are caught with food, gum drink, or candy in my labs you will automatically lose lab points for the days activities. If you violate this rule repeatedly, you will serve a one-hour detention with me. In general food and candy should not be brought into my classroom as it can become a major distraction for some students.


Exceptions to this rule include: Bought breakfast before period one, Medical needs, and approved snacks during standardized testing and other special occasions.


No one should bring backpacks to the classroom, unless the student has special permission from the office or nurse. THIS INCLUDES PERIOD NINE. Only one warning will be given, and then students that continue to violate this SCHOOL RULE, will be given a detention.

Safety is one of the main reasons for this Especially in Science class. There could be a time when we need to quickly leave the LAB area of the room (Maybe a possible explosion or toxic gas). Can you imagine just how much more difficult that would be if the floor was filled with backpacks.


Borrowing Supplies

Classroom supplies are for the classroom. If you forget a Pencil or Calculator, I will allow you to borrow one during the class. However, it is my expectation that those Supplies are returned at the end of the class period. At the beginning of the year you will receive a JRAC Supply Card with your name on it. Think of this like a Library card. If you wish to check out supplies while in my classroom, then you will need your JRAC Supply Card. 

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** Failure to return a borrowed item will result in the student becoming responsible for replacing that item.

If you need a...

 Calculator = Take any calculator from the holder AND place your JRAC Supply Card in its place.

 Pencil  = Take any JRAC Pencil from the cup AND place your JRAC Supply Card in the card holder.


If you misplace your JRAC Supply Card, but still need to borrow supplies, you may still do so, but I will need something else as collateral. YOUR SHOE WILL DO JUST FINE AS A REPLACEMENT FOR YOUR JRAC SUPPLY CARD!

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