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Classroom Procedures

Technology in Science

Technology Should be used appropriately to support your education


We will be using technology in the classroom, but you are expected to ALWAYS use it appropriately! For example, Cellphones or Chromebooks are often used as timers for our labs, but they should NEVER be used to take unapproved pictures or Videos in ANY CLASSROOM! Below are some more expectations for most technology

Chromebooks/ Computers

Sometimes you may feel the need to unwind and distract yourself from the monotony of classwork. Maybe you are not interested in the subject. Maybe you are really good at a certain game. Either way, you might feel the need or desire to turn to your Chromebook for an alternate source of entertainment. You have to remember that YOUR EDUCATION COMES FIRST! 




  • ONLY use it for the intended activity

  • You are allowed to check Schoology at the beginning of the class (If you did not check it during HR)

  • You are allowed to make an ehallpass (If you have already asked?)

  • NEVER have the screen open when someone else is talking to the class (Please be respectful and give them your FULL attention.)

  • NO unauthorized Games

  • NO working on any assignment (unless time has been given for this)

  • Don't think your Funny by shutting down someone else Chromebook.

Over the last few years Chromebooks have become a great tool to help you with your educational journey. But for some, the temptation to be distracted with games, YouTube, and other sites is just too much. So how do we handle Chromebooks in science?

playing games.JPG

Cell Phones


As a parent of three kids, I recognize the important function that a phone plays in family communication, afterschool activities, and brain breaks. However, with one to one Chromebooks and computers throughout our school, there really is NO REASON for you to have a cell phone out during the school day!

No phones.JPG

Parents and students both need to remember that between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm, the primary reason why students are in school is to LEARN. Any distractions (Including text from parents during class) will make learning more difficult for any student. 

This year the eighth grade team met and discussed the pros and cons of students having cell phones in school. After a long discussion the eighth grade teachers are implementing a Cell Phone FREE zone in every eighth grade classroom and hallway. This means that students are not to bring their cell phones into any classroom.


If a student brings his/her cell phone to school, it is the expectation of all eighth grade teachers that the cell phone remain safely in the student's locker. This is why it is also recommended that each student brings a combination lock to secure your locker.


Any student caught having their cell phone with them (even just face down on the table or hanging out of their pocket) has chosen to ignore the eighth grade cell phone policy and will receive the following Cell Phone corrective action: 

  • The First Time - The teacher will give the students a warning, the cell phone will be placed on the teacher's desk, the eighth grade team will be notified that the student has been issued his/her one and only warning, and the teacher will ask the student to return the cell phone to his/her locker after class. 

  • The Second time - The teacher will hold the student cell phone and the student must wait until the end of the academic core day to reclaim it from the teacher before going to lunch. The student will be asked to return the cell phone to his/her locker, the violation will be recorded in the students Positive Point balance chart, and the office will also be notified (A file will be started or continued that documents the total number of violations.) PLUS Parents will be notified of the student's repeated disrespectful behavior.

  • The Third time - The teacher will hold the student cell phone and the student must wait until period 9 to reclaim it from the teacher. The violation will be recorded in the students Positive Point balance chart, the office will be notified (Your file of violations will be updated.) PLUS Parents will be notified by the office of the student's repeated disrespectful behavior.

  • The Forth (+) time  - The teacher will hold the student cell phone until it can be delivered to the office and the student must wait until the end of the day to reclaim it from the office. The violation will be recorded in the students Positive Point balance chart and the office will be notified (Your file of violations will be updated.) PLUS Parents will be notified by the office of the student's repeated disrespectful behavior and may be required to attend a Student Corrective Action Plan Meeting to help resolve this ongoing issue of noncompliance.  PLUS a detention may be issued to the student. 

** Any student that REFUSES to hand over his/her phone after the first offense warning, will immediately be sent to the office for non-compliance and defiance, which will result in office disciplinary action.

*** Please NOTE that these rules also apply to Smart watches. Even though students will be permitted to wear their smart watches, it is my expectation that they are not used to send a text, reply to a text, answer a call, search the Internet, or anything else besides checking the time (or using a stopwatch during labs)


My message to my Students about their cell phones:
There is absolutely no need for you to use your cell phone during the day, unless your teacher has given you special permission to use it in an academic way. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, snapchat streaks, Instagram, TikTok, text messages to boyfriends, BeReal, and whatever game you are playing can wait until after school. If you need to reach home for whatever reason, you still need to go to the office or ask and gain permission to make that communication (Not at your locker or in your hoodie pocket or under your desk or in the bathroom.) If you don't know the number or need to TEXT someone about something school related that can't wait, the office and most teachers will try to accommodate you. Remember, EVERY teacher has been instructed to TAKE any cell phone that we can see. This includes cell phones ringing in class, taking pictures at your locker, in the hallway, or in the bathroom.

My message to the Parents of my Students:
Please try to remember that between the hours of 8:00am and 3:00pm your child is busy trying to learn the skills and information to help them be successful, independently thinking adults later in in life. We know it is not always the students initiating the communication. Parents tend to be one of the biggest offenders. Again the least amount of distractions during the day will increase the amount of learning that takes place. Since students are to keep their cell phones safely in their lockers, they will not be able to respond to your message immediately. They will have the opportunity to check their phone for messages in-between classes as long as they are not late to their next class. If there is a true emergency or need to communicate with your child, please call the front office (724-327-5456 x 2003). Your message will be relayed to your child quickly. I know this method works all too well. On December 18, 2023 I was in another room meeting with several teachers and a former student and my cell phone was safely stored in my supply room. Suddenly I was being called over the PA system asking to call the office. I went to the nearest phone, called the office, and they informed me that my wife was desperately trying to get in touch with me. I grabbed my cell phone, called her and she told me that my 19 year old son had collapsed on the road during his run, suffered a cardiac arrest and was being rushed to the hospital. I'm only sharing this with you to let you know that the system works, and I promise you that if you have an emergency, the office will get you in contact with your child very quickly.

AirPods / Headphones


NO! Just NO!

FIRST of all, if you are not allowed to used your Cellphone...then there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON why your Apple AirPods or earbuds need to be in your ears. Put them away and save them for the bus!

SECOND... That's just RUDE! I know that students can't hear clearly when they have them in, so you are essentially telling everyone around you (including your teachers) that whatever they have to say is not that important and you don't care to listen. 

I will only ask you once to remove them and put them away.  The next violation will result in them staying on my desk until the end of the day. Plus I will contact your parents.

** On days when we are individually watching an instructional video, students may used one of the sets of classroom headphones.

We are not trying to say that you shouldn't use Technology in school... Rather we trying to help you learn how to appropriately use it. 

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